Verbos Frasales

en inglés

blow up - bring down

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-Blow up: explotar o llenar algo con aire
The terrorists blew up the building
Will you blow up these balloons for me?

-Break down: dejar de funcionar o perder el control de las emociones (quebrarse emocionalmente)
If you have a good car and take care of it, it shouldn’t break down.
She just broke down and started to cry.

-Break out: escapar de algún lugar o tener acné
During the riot, several prisoners broke out of jail.
They locked the doors, but they still managed to break out anyway.
Teenagers tend to break out a lot but the acne usually goes away as they get older.

-Break up: terminar una relación Michael and Jennifer broke up after dating for a few months.
I saw them arguing a lot yesterday… do you think they’re going to break up?

-Bring down (someone): ponerse triste o deprimirse
I’m not trying to bring you down, but we need to discuss this.
Watching the news brings me down most of the time.

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-Blow up: explotar o llenar algo con aire
The terrorists blew up the building
Los terroristas explotaron al edificio.
Will you blow up these balloons for me?
¿Llenas con aire los globos para mí?

-Break down: dejar de funcionar o perder el control de las emociones (quebrarse emocionalmente)
If you have a good car and take care of it, it shouldn’t break down.
Si tienes un carro bueno y lo cuidas, no debería dejar de funcionar.
She just broke down and started to cry.
De repente ella se quebró y empezó a llorar.

-Break out: escapar de algún lugar o tener acné
During the riot, several prisoners broke out of jail.
Durante el disturbio, algunos prisioneros escaparon de la cárcel.
They locked the doors, but they still managed to break out anyway.
Cerraron las puertas con llave, pero aún lograron escapar de todos modos.
Teenagers tend to break out a lot but the acne usually goes away as they get older.
Adolescentes suelen tener mucho acné pero el acné normalmente se va cuando son mayores.

-Break up: terminar una relación Michael and Jennifer broke up after dating for a few months.
Michael y Jennifer rompieron después de salir por unos meses.
I saw them arguing a lot yesterday… do you think they’re going to break up?
Los vi discutiendo mucho ayer… ¿piensas que van a terminar la relación?

-Bring down (someone): ponerse triste o deprimirse
I’m not trying to bring you down, but we need to discuss this.
No estoy tratando de ponerte triste, pero hay que discutir esto.
Watching the news brings me down most of the time.
Ver las noticias me pone triste la mayor parte del tiempo.

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