Conversaciones en Inglés
Nivel Avanzado
"An Annoying Neighbor"
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Kim wants to go inside and doesn’t feel like chatting with her neighbor, who has issues
A: (Talking to herself) Alright, clean as a whistle. Now I can go inside. It’s hot out here.
B: Hey Kim, wait up! A: Oh, hey Barbara. How are you? B: All sticky and nasty. This stupid weather. It’s always hot and humid. Plus, my air conditioner is broken. What are you doing out here?
A: Oh, not much. I was just washing my car. It had a lot of bird poop on it cause the parking lot at my job has a lot of trees.
B: I hate it when that happens. Mine always gets bird crap on it. I wish there weren’t so many birds. But it’s not a big deal. I just make my boyfriend wash it for me.
A: I’m sure he loves that…
B: Actually, he hates it. But I just keep nagging him and eventually he gives in.
A: Well, that’s nice of you. (kind of sarcastic)
B: Why?
A: Oh, never mind. Well, I gotta go.
B: You think I’m not a nice person or something?
A: I didn’t say that.
B: You didn’t have to.
A: I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the most considerate person in the world.
B: Like how?
A: Well, for starters… if you’re going to make someone else wash your car, you could at least make an effort not to park under trees all the time. It’s not like there are trees all over the place in our neighborhood. It wouldn’t be that hard to avoid them.
B: That sounds like a lot of work on my part.
A: It’s not just with your boyfriend, either. You’re always blowing your own horn, you breathe down everybody’s neck, you criticize constantly, and you’re bossy and manipulative with almost everyone you come across. Oh, and you’re the worst backseat driver, by the way.
B: Hey, I was just trying to show you a shortcut.
A: Be that as it may, it’s still rude to tell others how to drive. Well, I should probably go now.
B: Does everyone feel this way about me?
A: Pretty much. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I guess I was just blowing off some steam.
B: No. You’re right. I must be really annoying to everyone. Maybe I should try to change.
A: Well, it’s better late than never. Have you ever gone to a psychologist or anything?
B: Been there, done that. They’re just a bunch of know it alls.
A: See, that’s exactly the kind of attitude you need to change. So why’d you go in the first place if you felt this way about them?
B: My parents made me go when I was little. I guess I was a handful for them.
A: I can imagine. Well, maybe you should go back one more time. Or you could read a self-help book or something. Either of those could help you break some ground and maybe find the cause of your problem. You really have issues. No offense.
B: Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt. Let’s go to the bookstore and see what there is. We’ll take my car. That way I won’t have to tell you how to drive.
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Traducción y Comentario
Kim wants to go inside and doesn’t feel like chatting with her neighbor, who has issues.
Kim quiere entrar porque no tiene ganas de conversar con su vecina, que tiene problemas personales.
A: (Talking to herself) Alright, clean as a whistle. Now I can go inside. It’s hot out here.
(Hablando consigo misma) Bien, limpio como el cristal. Ya puedo entrar. Hace calor aquí.
B: Hey Kim, wait up!
Oye Kim, ¡espera!
A: Oh, hey Barbara. How are you?
Oh, hola Barbara. ¿Cómo estás?
B: All sticky and nasty. This stupid weather. It’s always hot and humid. Plus, my air conditioner is broken. What are you doing out here?
Pegoteada y sucia (por sudar). Este clima estúpido. Siempre hace calor y está húmedo. Además, mi aire acondicionado está roto. ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí afuera?
A: Oh, not much. I was just washing my car. It had a lot of bird poop on it cause the parking lot at my job has a lot of trees.
Oh, no mucho. Sólo estaba lavando mi carro. Tenía mucha caca de pájaros porque el aparcamiento en mi trabajo tiene muchos árboles.
B: I hate it when that happens. Mine always gets bird crap on it. I wish there weren’t so many birds. But it’s not a big deal. I just make my boyfriend wash it for me.
Odio cuando eso pasa. El mío siempre tiene caca de pájaros. Quisiera que no hubiese tantos pájaros. Pero no es gran cosa. Le pido a mi novio que me lo lave.
A: I’m sure he loves that…
Apuesto que a él le encanta… (sarcasmo)
B: Actually, he hates it. But I just keep nagging him and eventually he gives in.
En realidad, lo odia. Pero sigo molestándole y al fin se rinde.
A: Well, that’s nice of you. (kind of sarcastic)
Pues, es bueno de su parte. (sarcasmo)
B: Why?
¿Por qué?
A: Oh, never mind. Well, I gotta go.
Oh, no importa. Bueno, me tengo que ir.
B: You think I’m not a nice person or something?
¿Opinas que soy desconsiderada o algo así?
A: I didn’t say that.
No dije eso.
B: You didn’t have to.
No tuviste que decirlo.
A: I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the most considerate person in the world.
No me agrada decírtelo, pero no eres la persona más considerada en el mundo.
B: Like how?
A: Well, for starters… if you’re going to make someone else wash your car, you could at least make an effort not to park under trees all the time. It’s not like there are trees all over the place in our neighborhood. It wouldn’t be that hard to avoid them.
Bueno, para empezar… si vas a obligar a otro a lavar tu carro, podrías al menos tratar de no aparcar debajo de árboles todo el tiempo. No es que haya árboles por todas partes en nuestro barrio. No sería tan difícil de evitarlos.
B: That sounds like a lot of work on my part.
Eso sería mucho trabajo para mí.
A: It’s not just with your boyfriend, either. You’re always blowing your own horn, you breathe down everybody’s neck, you criticize constantly, and you’re bossy and manipulative with almost everyone you come across. Oh, and you’re the worst backseat driver, by the way.
Tampoco es sólo con tu novio. Siempre estás echándote flores a tí misma, vigilas a todos para controlarlos, criticas constantemente y eres mandona y manipuladora con casi todos que encuentras. Oh y por cierto, eres de los peores para conducir porque eres una que da ordenes al conductor.
B: Hey, I was just trying to show you a shortcut.
Mira, sólo estaba tratando de enseñarte un atajo
A: Be that as it may, it’s still rude to tell others how to drive. Well, I should probably go now.
De ser así, aún es rudo decir a otros como conducir. Bueno, probablemente debo ir ya.
B: Does everyone feel this way about me?
¿Todos opinan así sobre mi?
A: Pretty much. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I guess I was just blowing off some steam.
Más o menos. Lo siento, no quería ofenderte. Supongo que solamente estaba quitándome la frustración.
B: No. You’re right. I must be really annoying to everyone. Maybe I should try to change.
No. Tienes razón. Me imagino que soy muy fastidiosa para todos. Tal vez debo tratar de cambiar.
A: Well, it’s better late than never. Have you ever gone to a psychologist or anything?
Bueno, es mejor tarde que nunca. ¿Has ido a un psicólogo o algo?
B: Been there, done that. They’re just a bunch of know it alls.
Yo fui antes. Sólo son un montón de sabelotodos.
A: See, that’s exactly the kind of attitude you need to change. So why’d you go in the first place if you felt this way about them?
Ya ves, eso es exactamente el tipo de actitud que necesitas cambiar. ¿Entonces por que fuiste en primer lugar si pensabas así sobre ellos?
B: My parents made me go when I was little. I guess I was a handful for them.
Mis padres me hicieron ir cuando era niña. Supongo que yo era difícil de controlar para ellos.
A: I can imagine. Well, maybe you should go back one more time. Or you could read a self-help book or something. Either of those could help you break some ground and maybe find the cause of your problem. You really have issues. No offense.
Me imagino. Bueno, tal vez deberías regresar una vez más. O podrías leer un libro de autoayuda o algo. Cualquier de los dos podría ayudarte a abrir nuevos caminos y tal vez encontrar la causa de sus problemas. Realmente tienes problemas. Sin ofender.
B: Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt. Let’s go to the bookstore and see what there is. We’ll take my car. That way I won’t have to tell you how to drive.
Bueno, supongo que no me haría daño. Vamos a la librería a ver lo que hay. Tomemos mi carro. De esta manera no tendré que decirte como conducir.
Expresiones idiomáticas de inglés en la conversación:
-Clean as a whistle = muy limpio
-Wait up = esperar por alguien. Lo mismo que “hold up” o “hold on”
-A big deal = un gran lío -I hate to break it to you = no me gusta decírtelo. Se dice antes de decírselo
-For starters = para empezar
-To make an effort = tratar de hacer algo, ponte fuerza para hacerlo
-All over the place = por todas partes
-To blow your own horn = echarte flores a tí mismo
-To breathe down someone’s neck = vigilar detenidamente a alguien para controlar
-To come across = encontrar
-Backseat driver = pasajero que le dice al conductor todo lo que debe hacer, mandón
-By the way = por cierto
-Be that as it may = de ser así. Se dice antes de la segunda parte de la frase. No es una frase completa.
-To blow off some steam = quitarte la frustración por hacer algo como gritar, quejarse, pelear, etc.
-Better late than never = es mejor tarde que nunca -Been there, done that = ya lo hice antes
-A know it all = un sabelotodo
-In the first place = en primer lugar
-A handful = si algo es difícil de manejar o controlar, es “un handful”
-To break ground = abrir nuevos caminos, acercarse hacia la solución o respuesta no offense – se dice para decir “no quiero ofender”
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