Conversaciones en Inglés Avanzado
Capítulo 4
"Shopping for Grandma"
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Michelle wants to find the perfect birthday present for her grandma, who’s been going through some trouble lately. She’s at the mall with her friend Jordan.
Michelle: Hey, guess what? My grandma turns 75 today.
Jordan: Whoa, she’s getting up there. Are you gonna call her and wish her happy birthday?
Michelle: No, I want to get her a present and go give it to her in person. Actions speak louder than words.
Jordan: I bet she’ll love that! She’ll feel like she’s on top of the world because her granddaughter went to so much trouble for her. Especially since she lives a couple hours away, right?
Michelle: Yeah, she does live kind of far away. I hope it means something to her, and she gets the message that someone out there still cares about her. For awhile after Grandpa died she was in the doghouse because a lot of our family blamed her for his death. They thought she didn’t take good enough care of him when he was sick. It really wasn’t her fault, though. So, ever since then she’s been keeping people at arm’s length. I don’t like seeing her like that. It’s been a bitter pill to swallow.
Jordan: So I guess she hasn’t been exactly wearing her heart on her sleeve recently. And I imagine she’s a bit depressed, too.
Michelle: You got that right. Hopefully this will cheer her up.
Jordan: So what do you want to get her?
Michelle: Well, in a nutshell, something small and shiny. Hmm… like jewelry.
Jordan: I saw some jewelry stores over there. Let’s go look.
Michelle: All this jewelry is a little out of my price range… Oh, you know what just popped into my head? She has a thing for perfume.
Jordan: Great! They have a lot of it here.
Michelle: This one here’s definitely the cream of the crop, and it’s on sale, too. I’m not sure if she’d like this scent or not. Hopefully she will.
Jordan: Well, even if she doesn’t, it’s the thought that counts.
Michelle: I’ll take this one, Sir.
Clerk: Ok, that’ll be $38.91 please.
Michelle: Here’s my card.
Clerk: Thank you. Just sign here… Alright, you two have a good day.
Michelle: You too.
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Michelle wants to find the perfect birthday present for her grandma, who’s been going through some trouble lately. She’s at the mall with her friend Jordan.
Ir de compras para la abuela: Michelle quiere encontrar el regalo perfecto de cumpleaños para su abuela, quién ha estado pasando por algunos problemas últimamente. Está en la galería comercial con su amiga Jordan
Michelle: Hey, guess what? My grandma turns 75 today.
Hola, ¿adivina qué? Mi abuela cumple 75 años hoy.
Jordan: Whoa, she’s getting up there. Are you gonna call her and wish her happy birthday?
Uy, tiene muchos años. ¿Vas a llamarla y desearle un feliz cumpleaños?
Michelle: No, I want to get her a present and go give it to her in person. Actions speak louder than words.
No, quiero conseguirle un regalo y dárselo en persona. Las acciones dicen más que las palabras.
Jordan: I bet she’ll love that! She’ll feel like she’s on top of the world because her granddaughter went to so much trouble for her. Especially since she lives a couple hours away, right?
¡Apuesto que le encantará eso! Se sentirá muy contenta porque su nieta intentó hacer algo difícil por ella. Especialmente ya que vive a un par de horas de aquí, ¿verdad?
Michelle: Yeah, she does live kind of far away. I hope it means something to her, and she gets the message that someone out there still cares about her. For awhile after Grandpa died she was in the doghouse because a lot of our family blamed her for his death. They thought she didn’t take good enough care of him when he was sick. It really wasn’t her fault, though. So, ever since then she’s been keeping people at arm’s length. I don’t like seeing her like that. It’s been a bitter pill to swallow.
Sí, vive medio lejos de aquí. Espero que signifique algo para ella y comprenda que alguien todavía piensa en ella. Por un tiempo después de morir mi abuelo, ella tuvo muchos problemas porque mucha de nuestra familia echaba la culpa en ella por su muerte. Pensaron que no lo cuidó suficiente cuando estuvo enfermo. Aunque realmente no fue culpa suya. Entonces, no ha dejado a nadie acercarse a ella. No me gusta verla así. Ha sido difícil de aceptar.
Jordan: So I guess she hasn’t been exactly wearing her heart on her sleeve recently. And I imagine she’s a bit depressed, too.
Entonces me imagino que no ha estado demostrando mucha emoción o amor últimamente. Y me imagino que está un poco deprimida también.
Michelle: You got that right. Hopefully this will cheer her up.
Tienes mucha razón. Ojála con esto se pusiera feliz.
Jordan: So what do you want to get her?
¿Entonces qué quieres comprarle?
Michelle: Well, in a nutshell, something small and shiny. Hmm… like jewelry.
Pues, en síntesis, algo pequeño y brillante. Hmm… como joyas.
Jordan: I saw some jewelry stores over there. Let’s go look.
Vi algunas tiendas de joyas allí. Vamos a mirar.
Michelle: All this jewelry is a little out of my price range… Oh, you know what just popped into my head? She has a thing for perfume.
Todas de estas joyas están fuera de mi alcance… Ah, ¿sabes que acaba de entrar a mi mente? Ella le gustan los perfumes.
Jordan: Great! They have a lot of it here.
¡Fantástico! Tienen muchos aquí.
Michelle: This one here’s definitely the cream of the crop, and it’s on sale, too. I’m not sure if she’d like this scent or not. Hopefully she will.
Este aquí definitivamente es lo mejor de su tipo y está rebajado, también. No estoy segura si le gustaría esta fragancia o no. Ojala que sí.
Jordan: Well, even if she doesn’t, it’s the thought that counts.
Pues, incluso si no, la intención es lo que vale.
Michelle: I’ll take this one, Sir.
Compro esto, Señor.
Clerk: Ok, that’ll be $38.91 please.
Bueno, son $38.91 por favor.
Michelle: Here’s my card.
Aquí tiene mi tarjeta de crédito.
Clerk: Thank you. Just sign here… Alright, you two have a good day.
Gracias. Solamente firme aquí… Bueno, Ustedes tengan un buen día.
Michelle: You too.
Usted también.
Expresiones Idiomáticas
Estudia estas frases y vocabulario para aprovechar completamente del diálogo
To be getting up there: To be in the age group that is called “old.” This can also be used in a joking way, as in: “Wow! You’re ten years old, you’re getting up there.”
Estar en el grupo de edad que se llama “viejo.” Ésta también se puede usar en una manera bromeando, como: “¡Guau! Tienes diez años, estás getting up there.”
Actions speak louder than words: What you do is more important to another person than what you say.
Lo que haces es más importante para otra persona que lo que dices.
To be on top of the world: To feel good emotionally or have financial success.
Sentirse bien emocionalmente o tener éxito financiero.
To go to so much trouble: To make a strong effort that is more than required or expected.
Hacer un gran esfuerzo que es más que lo que se requiere o se espera.
To get the message: To understand the reasons behind something.
Comprender las razones detrás de algo.
To be in the doghouse: To be emotionally cut-off from a family member or partner for a time.
Estar alejado emocionalmente de un miembro de la familia o un compañero.
At arm’s length: Making sure something is at a distance emotionally. Sometimes used of physically keeping someone at a distance.
Asegurándose de que algo está en una distancia emocional. A veces se usa en físicamente mantener a alguien a una distancia.
A bitter pill to swallow: Something that is difficult to accept.
Algo que es difícil de aceptar.
To wear your heart on your sleeve: To be emotionally available and vulnerable.
Estar emocionalmente disponible y vulnerable.
To cheer (someone) up: To make a sad person feel happy or to encourage someone after going through a tough situation.
Hacer a una persona triste sentirse feliz o animar a alguien después de pasar una situación dura.
In a nutshell: In its simplest form.
En su forma más simple.
Price range: The amount of money that one has or is willing to spend on something.
La cantidad de dinero que uno tiene o está dispuesto a gastar en algo.
To pop into your head: To start thinking about something without trying to.
Empezar a pensar en algo sin intentarlo.
To have a thing for: To like something or someone, often for some unknown qualities or reasons.
Gustar de algo o alguien, muchas veces por características o razones desconocidas
The cream of the crop: The best selection from a large group of similar objects, people or other things. Another phrase that means the same thing is: “the best of the best.”
La mejor selección de un grupo grande de objetos similares, personas u otras cosas. Otra frase que quiere decir lo mismo es: “the best of the best.”
To be on sale: To be sold at a reduced price.
Estar vendido a un precio reducido.
It’s the thought that counts: Your thought and intention is appreciated more than what is actually done.
Tu pensamiento e intención son apreciados más que lo que al final has hecho.
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