Conversaciones en Inglés Avanzado
Capítulo 2
"The Neighbors Chat"
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The Robinson’s have a family-owned store and Chris, their next door neighbor, comes over to have a look and chat.
Mr. Robinson: Hey Chris, I heard you were hired for the head coaching job on our football team. Congratulations!
Chris: Thanks. So far so good. You know this is my first head coaching job so I’m kind of in over my head right now with all the new responsibilities and such.
Mr. Robinson: Yeah, welcome to the club. You just gotta learn to stay on top of things.
Chris: Yeah, well I don’t even have it that bad. My friend from college coaches in Washington, and he just lost his starting quarterback to an injury. I’d have trouble keeping my chin up if that happened to me. Anyway, I wanted to see if you were selling any computers out here. I need a faster one so I can see up to the minute stats online.
Mr. Robinson: I have no idea. Jan!
Mrs. Robinson: What’s up, honey?
Mr. Robinson: Do we have any computers in the back?
Mrs. Robinson: Not today, but we should next week. An electronics store is going out of business and getting rid of everything but the kitchen sink. I’m going to check it out in a few days.
Chris: Sounds good. Keep me posted.
Mrs. Robinson: So how’s the team doing, Chris?
Chris: Well, we won our first game. Next week’s going to be a good match. The newspapers are saying it’s anyone’s call who will win. Did you see the first game?
Mrs. Robinson: No, I don’t follow football. It’s all Greek to me. I’ve tried to understand it before, but I just don’t get it.
Chris: Well, you two should come out and watch anyway. This next game’s gonna be neck and neck. It’s definitely not in the bag just yet. Hey, is Little Timmy trying to sell baseball cards to that guy?
Mrs. Robinson: Yep, he’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?
Chris: Yeah, it seems like just yesterday he was running around in his birthday suit and now he’s doing business like his dad.
Descarga todos los diálogos, phrasal verbs, verbos irregulares y cognados hoy mismo por comprar el curso completo
The Robinson’s have a family-owned store and Chris, their next door neighbor, comes over to have a look and chat.
La familia Robinson tiene su propia tienda y Chris, su vecino de al lado, viene para echar un vistazo y conversar.
Mr. Robinson: Hey Chris, I heard you were hired for the head coaching job on our football team. Congratulations!
Hola Chris. Oí que fuiste contratado como entrenador principal por nuestro equipo de fútbol americano. ¡Felicidades!
Chris: Thanks. So far so good. You know this is my first head coaching job so I’m kind of in over my head right now with all the new responsibilities and such.
Gracias. Hasta ahora todo va bien. Sabes que es mi primer trabajo como entrenador principal entonces estoy medio abrumado ahora con todas las responsabilidades nuevas y demás.
Mr. Robinson: Yeah, welcome to the club. You just gotta learn to stay on top of things.
Sí, bienvenido al club. Simplemente necesitas aprender a estar al tanto de todo.
Chris: Yeah, well I don’t even have it that bad. My friend from college coaches in Washington, and he just lost his starting quarterback to an injury. I’d have trouble keeping my chin up if that happened to me. Anyway, I wanted to see if you were selling any computers out here. I need a faster one so I can see up to the minute stats online.
Sí, pues ni la tengo tan mal. Mi amigo de la Universidad, entrena en Washington y acaba de perder su primer quarterback por una herida. Me costaría ponerme contento si eso me pasara a mí. De todos modos, quería ver si vendías unas computadoras aquí. Necesito una más rápida para poder ver estadísticas en vivo.
Mr. Robinson: I have no idea. Jan!
Ni idea. ¡Jan!
Mrs. Robinson: What’s up, honey?
¿Qué pasa, cariño?
Mr. Robinson: Do we have any computers in the back?
¿Tenemos unas computadoras atrás?
Mrs. Robinson: Not today, but we should next week. An electronics store is going out of business and getting rid of everything but the kitchen sink. I’m going to check it out in a few days.
Hoy no, pero deberíamos tener la semana que viene. Una tienda electrónica se está cerrando por falta de vendas y está tirando casi todo. Voy a ver dentro de unos días.
Chris: Sounds good. Keep me posted.
Suena bien. Avísame.
Mrs. Robinson: So how’s the team doing, Chris?
¿Entonces cómo está el equipo, Chris?
Chris: Well, we won our first game. Next week’s going to be a good match. The newspapers are saying it’s anyone’s call who will win. Did you see the first game?
Pues, ganamos nuestro primer partido. Lo de la semana próxima va a ser un buen partido. Las periodistas están diciendo que cualquiera puede decidir quien ganará. ¿Viste el primer partido?
Mrs. Robinson: No, I don’t follow football. It’s all Greek to me. I’ve tried to understand it before, but I just don’t get it.
No, no sigo de cerca el fútbol Americano. Es como chino. He tratado de entenderlo antes, pero simplemente no lo comprendo.
Chris: Well, you two should come out and watch anyway. This next game’s gonna be neck and neck. It’s definitely not in the bag just yet. Hey, is Little Timmy trying to sell baseball cards to that guy?
Pues, ustedes dos deberían venir y mirar de todas maneras. Este partido de la semana que viene va a ser competitivo. Definitivamente no es seguro todavía. Oye, ¿Little Timmy está tratando de vender cartas de béisbol a ese tipo?
Mrs. Robinson: Yep, he’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he?
Sí, es parecido a su padre, ¿no?
Chris: Yeah, it seems like just yesterday he was running around in his birthday suit and now he’s doing business like his dad.
Sí, parece que justo ayer andaba corriendo desnudo y ahora está haciendo negocios como su papá.
Expresiones Idiomáticas
Estudia estas frases y vocabulario para aprovechar completamente del diálogo
Next door neighbor: A neighbor who lives in the house next to yours.
Un vecino que vive en la casa a lado de la tuya.
So far so good: Until this point, everything has gone well.
Hasta ese punto, todo ha ido bien.
To be in over your head: To be stressed out and have so much to do that you feel trapped.
Estar estresado y tener tanto que hacer que te sientes apresado.
Welcome to the club: An expression welcoming someone that has recently come to be in the same position as you.
Una expresión saludando alguien que recién ha venido de estar en la misma situación que tú.
To stay on top of (something): To have control over something as it develops.
Tener control de algo como se desarrolla.
To have it: To be in a certain position, negative or positive, in life. One could say: “you have it good” or “you have it bad.”
Estar en una posición particular, negativa o positiva, en la vida. Uno podría decir: “You have it good” o “You have it bad”.
To keep your chin up: To keep a positive attitude when bad things are happening. The most popular use of this phrase is, “Keep your chin up,” which encourages someone to persevere in hard times.
Mantener una actitud positiva cuando cosas malas están pasando. El uso más popular usa de esta frase es, “Keep your chin up,” la cual anima alguien a perseverar aún en tiempos difíciles.
Up to the minute: Constantly updated. This can be for sports scores, the stock market, prices of certain products, and many other things.
Actualizada constantemente. Ésta se puede ser para las anotaciones de deportes, la bolsa de valores, precios de algunos productos y muchas otras cosas.
Stats: The abbreviation for statistics.
La abreviación para estadísticas.
To have no idea: To have no knowledge about something.
No tener conocimiento de algo.
What’s up?: This phrase has several related meanings, all dependent on context: “How are you? What have you been doing recently? What’s bothering you?”
La frase tiene varios sentidos relacionados, todos dependiente del contexto: “How are you? What have you been doing recently? What’s bothering you?”
Honey: A term of endearment between couples. It’s also used by adults when speaking to children. Similar terms are: “Sweetie” and “Darling.”
Una expresión de cariño entre parejas. También se usa por adultos cuando están hablando a hijos. Temas similares son: “Sweetie” y “Darling”.
In the back: In the back room of a building.
En la habitación trasera de un edificio.
Everything but the kitchen sink: An expression meaning “everything.” It’s often used as an exaggeration.
Una expresión que significa “todo”. Muchas veces se usa como una exageración.
To check (something) out: To look at something and get information about it. This is often done in order to verify information that one has received.
Mirar algo y obtener información de ello. Muchas veces ésta se hace para verificar información que uno ha recibido.
To keep someone posted: To keep someone else informed.
Mantener a alguien informado.
A good match: A competitive game.
Un partido competitivo.
To be anyone’s call: To be unknown or of uncertain outcome in the future. There’s a 50/50 chance of either possible outcome to an event. “To be anyone’s guess” is an identical idiom.
Ser desconocido o de resultado incierto en el futuro. Hay una chance 50/50 de cualquier resultado posible en un evento. “To be anyone’s guess” es una expresión idiomática idéntica.
To follow (something): To keep oneself informed about a subject of interest.
Mantenerse informado de un sujeto de interés.
It’s all Greek to me: I don’t understand it. It’s as hard for me to understand as a foreign language.
No lo comprendo. Para mí es tan difícil entender como un idioma extranjera.
To get it: To understand something.
Comprender algo.
Neck and neck: Any type of contest that is very competitive and close. A similar phrase is: a good match.
Cualquier tipo de concurso que es muy competitivo y cercana. Una frase similar es “a good match”.
In the bag: Something that is sure to go well.
Algo que es seguro que vaya bien.
A chip off the old block: A son following in his father’s actions, attitudes, and activities.
Un hijo siguiendo las acciones de su padre, actitudes y actividades.
To be in your birthday suit: To be naked.
Estar desnudo.
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