Conversaciones en Inglés Avanzado
Capítulo 1
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Tanya has been studying hard for an exam and vents her frustrations to Angela when she calls.
Tanya: Hello.
Angela: Hey Tanya, it’s Angela. What are you doing?
Tanya: I’ve been studying all day for my biology midterm tomorrow. I studied a lot yesterday too, ’cause I wanted to get a head start.
Angela: So you’ve probably covered a lot of ground by now, right?
Tanya: Yeah, I have, but I just realized that the guest lessons are going to be on the test, too. So I gotta start studying those now. But it’s not that bad. It’s better than going back to square one.
Angela: Whoa, that sounds like too much studying for me. I’d be sick and tired of it by now.
Tanya: I’m almost to that point. It feels like I’ve been studying 24/7, and I still have a lot to cover.
Angela: Well, I needed to…. Oh never mind. I don’t want to bug you.
Tanya: You needed to what?? Tell me.
Angela: It’s not a big deal.
Tanya: Come on, tell me. Don’t beat around the bush. I’m worn out from studying and need a break anyway.
Angela: Ok, if you insist. Sarah just scored 3 free tickets with VIP passes to the concert tonight.
Tanya: What?! I thought it was sold out for weeks! I really wanna go, but… This sucks. Now it’s going to be on my mind the whole time I’m trying to study.
Angela: Sorry! When I found out you were down to the wire studying for your test I wasn’t gonna tell you because you’d feel like you were missing out… But you insisted!
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Tanya has been studying hard for an exam and vents her frustrations to Angela when she calls.
Estudiando: Tanya ha estado estudiando duramente para un examen y se desahoga con Angela cuando la llama.
Tanya: Hello.
Angela: Hey Tanya, it’s Angela. What are you doing?
Hola Tanya, es Angela. ¿Qué estás haciendo?
Tanya: I’ve been studying all day for my biology midterm tomorrow. I studied a lot yesterday too, ’cause I wanted to get a head start.
He estado estudiando todo el día para mi examen de biología mañana. Estudié mucho ayer también porque quería tomar ventaja.
Angela: So you’ve probably covered a lot of ground by now, right?
Entonces probablemente hayas cubierto mucho trabajo hasta ahora, ¿verdad?
Tanya: Yeah, I have, but I just realized that the guest lessons are going to be on the test, too. So I gotta start studying those now. But it’s not that bad. It’s better than going back to square one.
Sí, pero acabo de darme cuenta que las lecciones de las visitas van a estar en el examen también. Entonces tengo que empezar a estudiarlos ahora mismo. Pero no está tan mal. Es mejor que empezar de nuevo.
Angela: Whoa, that sounds like too much studying for me. I’d be sick and tired of it by now.
Whoa, a mí me suena que es demasiado estudio. Yo estaría harta de ello ahora.
Tanya: I’m almost to that point. It feels like I’ve been studying 24/7, and I still have a lot to cover.
Casi estoy a ese punto. Se siente como si hubiera estado estudiando cada minuto del día y aún tengo mucho que cubrir.
Angela: Well, I needed to…. Oh never mind. I don’t want to bug you.
Pues necesito… Ah no importa. No te quiero molestar.
Tanya: You needed to what?? Tell me.
¿Necesitabas qué? Dime.
Angela: It’s not a big deal.
No tiene importancia.
Tanya: Come on, tell me. Don’t beat around the bush. I’m worn out from studying and need a break anyway.
Dale, dime. No andes con rodeos. Estoy agotada de estudiar y necesito un descanso de todas maneras.
Angela: Ok, if you insist. Sarah just scored 3 free tickets with VIP passes to the concert tonight.
Bueno, ya que insistes. Sarah acaba de obtener 3 boletos gratis con pases VIP para el concierto de esta noche.
Tanya: What?! I thought it was sold out for weeks! I really wanna go, but… This sucks. Now it’s going to be on my mind the whole time I’m trying to study.
¡Qué! ¡Pensé que estuvo agotado desde hace semanas! Tengo muchas ganas de ir pero… ¡Qué mal! Ahora va a estar en mi mente todo el tiempo que esté tratando de estudiar.
Angela: Sorry! When I found out you were down to the wire studying for your test I wasn’t gonna tell you because you’d feel like you were missing out… But you insisted!
¡Lo siento! Cuando me di cuenta que estabas sobre el límite de tiempo de estudiar para tu examen no iba a decirte nada porque te sentirías como si te estuvieras perdiendo de algo… ¡Pero insististe!
Expresiones Idiomáticas
Estudia estas frases y vocabulario para aprovechar completamente del diálogo
To get a head start: To begin doing something earlier than you need to, in order to be sure that it gets done on time.
Empezar a hacer algo más temprano de lo que necesitas para asegurarte que será cumplido a tiempo.
To cover a lot of ground: To accomplish a large amount of a task or project.
Lograr terminar una cantidad grande de trabajo o proyecto.
To go back to square one: To return to the starting point of an activity or project.
Regresar al principio de una actividad o un proyecto.
To be sick and tired of doing something: To dislike some activity, thing, or person because of spending too much time with it. For example, if you ate nothing but apples for six months, you would be sick and tired of apples.
Detestar alguna actividad, cosa o persona por pasar demasiado tiempo con ello. Por ejemplo, si no comiste nada salvo manzanas por 6 meses, estarías sick and tired de manzanas.
24/7 (Twenty four/seven): An expression literally meaning, “twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.” It’s also used as an exaggeration. For example: “He watches TV 24/7.”
Una expresión que literalmente significa, “veintecuatro hora al día, siete días de la semana.” Muchas veces se usa como una exageración. Por ejemplo: “Él mira la tele 24/7.”
To cover: To review information or accomplish tasks within a project or activity.
Revisar información o realizar tareas dentro de un proyecto o una actividad.
Never mind: This is said when someone wants another to ignore something. A similar expression is, “Don’t worry about it.”
Ésta se dice cuando alguien quiere que otro ignore algo. Una expresión parecida es, “Don’t worry about it.”
To bug (someone): To annoy or bother.
Molestar a alguien.
Come on: This is said when someone wants another to agree to do what they want. It can also mean, “Hurry up!”
Ésta se dice cuando alguien quiere que otro se ponga de acuerdo con lo que quiere. También se puede significar, “¡Apúrate!”
To beat around the bush: To attempt to get an answer without asking directly. This expression came from when hunters scared animals out of the bushes in order to catch them.
Tratar de recibir una respuesta sin preguntar directamente. Esta expresión vino de cuando cazadores asustaban animales fuera de las malezas para atraparlos.
To be worn out: To feel tired physically, mentally, or in general. It is a milder version of the phrase, “to be wiped out.”
Estar cansado físicamente, mental o ambos. Es una versión más leve de la frase, “to be wiped out.”
To insist: To desire for someone else to do something and strongly express that desire verbally. The expression, “If you insist,” is used immediately before complying to another’s wishes.
Desear que otra persona haga algo y expresar ese deseo fuertemente con palabras. La expresión, “If you insist,” se usa inmediatamente antes de obedecer los deseos.
To score: To obtain, purchase, or receive something. It can also be used for getting something in a secretive way, such as illegal drugs.
Obtener, comprar, o recibir algo. También se puede usar para conseguir algo en una manera secreta, así como las drogas ilegales.
VIP: The acronym for “Very Important Person.” Many clubs, restaurants, and concerts have private sections exclusively for VIP guests.
El acrónimo para “Very Important Person.” Muchos clubes, restaurantes y conciertos tienen secciones privadas exclusivamente para los visitantes VIP.
To be sold out: To be unavailable for purchase due to having sold the last product.
No estar disponible para comprarse por haberse vendido ya el último producto.
To suck: To be contemptible or annoying. It’s also used to describe something of low quality.
Ser despreciable o molesto. También se usa para describir algo de calidad baja.
To be on your mind: To be thinking about something.
Pensar en algo.
To be down to the wire: To be running out of time.
Estar casi sobre el límite de tiempo.
To miss out: To not be able to participate in an activity or (take advantage of an) opportunity.
No poder participar en una actividad o (aprovechar una) oportunidad.
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