Verbos Frasales
en inglés
get away with - get on
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-Get away with (something): salirte con la tuya. Salir de una situación sin castigo.
You’re not going to get away with this. I’ll come find you if I have to.
You can’t simply rob a bank and expect to get away with it.
-Get back: volver o recuperar
We didn’t get back home until about 9 o’clock last night.
I lost a lot of money so I need to work extra this week to get it back.
-Get back at (someone): vengarse
Lloyd put a lot laxatives in Harry’s coffee to get back at him for dating a girl he liked.
Even though it’s not always wise, a lot of people try to get back at people who hurt them.
-Get back into (something): interesarse o iniciarse en algo de nuevo
I stopped watching sports awhile ago and haven’t really gotten back into it yet.
I haven’t exercised because of my injury but next week I’m going to get back into it.
-Get by: sobrevivir, arreglárselas o pasar
There are many poor people who must get by on very little food.
I forgot to bring my hat. I’ll just have to get by without it.
Could you move please? I need to get by.
-Get on: subirse a un vehículo o empezar a hacer algo
Let’s go get on the boat. It’s going to leave soon.
I still have a lot of studying to do, so I better get on it.
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-Get away with (something): salirte con la tuya. Salir de una situación sin castigo.
You’re not going to get away with this. I’ll come find you if I have to.
No te vas a salir con la tuya. Voy a encontrarte si lo tengo que hacer.
You can’t simply rob a bank and expect to get away with it.
No puedes simplemente robar de un banco y esperar a salir sin ningún castigo.
-Get back: volver o recuperar
We didn’t get back home until about 9 o’clock last night.
No volvimos en casa hasta alrededor de las 9 anoche.
I lost a lot of money so I need to work extra this week to get it back.
Perdí mucho dinero así que necesito trabajar extra esta semana para recuperarlo.
-Get back at (someone): vengarse
Lloyd put a lot laxatives in Harry’s coffee to get back at him for dating a girl he liked.
Lloyd echó un montón de laxantes en el café de Harry para vengarse de él por salir con una chica que a Lloyd le gusta.
Even though it’s not always wise, a lot of people try to get back at people who hurt them.
A pesar de que no siempre es prudente, mucha gente trata de vengarse de personas quienes las han herido.
-Get back into (something): interesarse o iniciarse en algo de nuevo
I stopped watching sports awhile ago and haven’t really gotten back into it yet.
Dejé de ver los deportes hace tiempo y no me han interesado nuevamente aún.
I haven’t exercised because of my injury but next week I’m going to get back into it.
No he hecho ejercicio por mi herida pero la semana que viene voy a iniciarme en ello de nuevo.
-Get by: sobrevivir, arreglárselas o pasar
There are many poor people who must get by on very little food.
Hay mucha gente pobre que tiene que sobrevivir con muy poca comida.
I forgot to bring my hat. I’ll just have to get by without it.
Se me olvidó traer mi gorra. Tengo que arreglármelas sin ella.
Could you move please? I need to get by.
¿Podrías moverte por favor? Necesito pasar.
-Get on: subirse a un vehículo o empezar a hacer algo
Let’s go get on the boat. It’s going to leave soon.
Vamos a subirnos el barco. Está a irse pronto.
I still have a lot of studying to do, so I better get on it.
Aún tengo mucho que estudiar, así que mejor empiezo ya.
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