Verbos Frasales
en inglés
abide by - bend over
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-Abide by: Obedecer una regla o respetar una decisión.
If you don’t want to get a penalty in basketball, you must abide by the rules.
When the father makes a decision, the family has to abide by it.
-Ask out (someone): Preguntar si alguien quiere salir contigo en una cita.
If you like her, you should ask her out.
Are you going to ask out anyone for prom?
-Back down: ceder o echarse atrás
They wanted to attack, but when they saw their enemies were well armed, they backed down and left.
Do what you say and don’t back down.
-Back up: Apoyar alguien en una situación peligrosa o en una decisión difícil. Hacer otra copia de un documento o archivo
The policeman requested for someone to back him up.
This is a tough decision… will you back me up on this?
Always back up your important data
-Beat up (someone): pegar una paliza
It’s a stereotype that bullies beat up other kids for their lunch money.
And one of those kids might say, “Please don’t beat me up.”
-Bend over: inclinarse
He dropped his change as he was about to pay and had to bend over to get it.
If your back hurts, you shouldn’t bend over.
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-Abide by: Obedecer una regla o respetar una decisión.
If you don’t want to get a penalty in basketball, you must abide by the rules.
Si no quieres tener un castigo en baloncesto, tienes que obedecer las reglas.
When the father makes a decision, the family has to abide by it.
Cuando el padre toma una decisión, la familia tiene que respetarla.
-Ask out (someone): Preguntar si alguien quiere salir contigo en una cita.
If you like her, you should ask her out.
Si ella te gusta, deberías preguntarle si quiere salir contigo.
Are you going to ask out anyone for prom?
¿Vas a preguntarle a alguien para ir contigo al baile del colegio?
-Back down: ceder o echarse atrás
They wanted to attack, but when they saw their enemies were well armed, they backed down and left.
Querían atacar, pero cuando vieron que sus enemigos fueron bien armados, cedieron y se fueron.
Do what you say and don’t back down.
Haz lo que dices y no te eches para atrás.
-Back up: Apoyar alguien en una situación peligrosa o en una decisión difícil. Hacer otra copia de un documento o archivo
The policeman requested for someone to back him up.
El agente de policía pidió que alguien lo apoyara.
This is a tough decision… will you back me up on this?
Esta es una decisión difícil… ¿me apoyas con esto?
Always back up your important data
Siempre haz otra copia de tu archivos importantes.
-Beat up (someone): pegar una paliza
It’s a stereotype that bullies beat up other kids for their lunch money.
Es un estereotipo el que los matones pegan palizas a otros chicos para quitarles su dinero de almuerzo.
And one of those kids might say, “Please don’t beat me up.”
Uno de esos chicos posiblemente diría, “Por favor no me pegues una paliza.”
-Bend over: inclinarse
He dropped his change as he was about to pay and had to bend over to get it.
Se le cayó su cambio cuando estaba por pagar y tuvo que inclinarse para recogerlo.
If your back hurts, you shouldn’t bend over.
Si te duele la espalda, no deberías inclinarte.
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